Friday, July 3, 2015

Eagles on the Brain

Since I've been working on my Quilt Like An Eagle quilt, I have become much more conscious of eagles as decorative symbols in the world around me.

I spied this eagle on a bank's after-hours depository.

The federal courthouse in downtown Denver had these eagles and shields atop the building's columns.

How 'bout these Peeps I found at a Cracker Barrel (the US restaurant chain)?!

I have been working on my eagles, but only intermittently.  I decided I wanted to make my own patterns for the rest of the quilt, and it took some time to get that accomplished.  The center of the quilt will have two concentric spiky circles with a star in the center.  
I made a test version - half of the outer circle - to see if I was happy with the outcome.  From looking at a lot of 4 block eagle quilts, it seems many of these spiky circles are done with reverse applique.  I've never done a stitch of reverse applique and I decided this was not the time to try it!  These will be made with regular applique, using the freezer paper and spray starch prep method.  

I purchased some French General Rue Indiennes fabric for the outer border of my quilt, but I think I will also use it for the outer concentric circle.

The eagles have all gotten embroidered eyes and arrows in their beaks.  I'm also playing around with some 8 pointed stars below the tail feathers.  Now that I see the stars in the photograph, I may switch the blue star fabric for the Rue Indiennes paisley.

How are you doing with your eagles?  Do you spy eagles where you never noticed them before?



  1. So funny. I too have noticed eagle motifs everywhere! I love where you're going with the rest of your quilt. It's looking great! I am still plodding along with my last applique border.:)

  2. I tried reverse appliqué for the first time on block #3 the flower block and I swear it was really easy and the leaves turned out really well...don't be scared try it u won't be disappointed 😎 Hugs. Mary

  3. Also if u have tried back basting method it is really easy...I tried that back in May on another block..a little tricky but results are really smooth appliqué pieces. If u google it u can find great tutorials....hugs mary

    1. Thanks for the tips, Mary! I definitely plan to try reverse applique, just not on those spiky circles! My LQS is offering a class in reverse applique later this month, and I plan to be there. I'm on my way to becoming an applique addict!

  4. I love paisley. Your eagle is stunning already. Can't wait to see it in all it's glory.

  5. Patriotic Peeps!!! What a laugh. Your eagle quilt is great.

  6. Finished mine last year ! : ) Your work is lovely! :)

  7. Funny how those eagles pop up everywhere. Your quilt is wonderful. I enjoyed checking out your progression so far.

  8. Have not forgotten about making an eagle quilt (or even a wallhanging)....still on my to-do list but I have too many other things taking priority at the moment! Love your small blocks for your eagle quilt! Also, Maybe I spend too much time watching eagle eaglet season coming soon!!


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